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What is JDBC?

How many types of JDBC Drivers are present and what are they?

Explain the role of Driver in JDBC?

Is java.sql.Driver a class or an Interface?

Is java.sql.DriverManager a class or an Interface?

Is java.sql.Connection a class or an Interface?

Is java.sql.Statement a class or an Interface?

Which interface do PreparedStatement extend?

Which interface do CallableStatement extend?

What is the purpose Class.forName("") method?

Do you mean that Class.forName("") method can only be used to load a driver?

Which statement throws ClassNotFoundException in SQL code block? and why?

What exception does Class.forName() throw?

What is the return type of Class.forName() method?

Can an Interface be instantiated? If not, justify and explain the following line of code:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("dbURL","dbUserId","dbPassword");

What type of a method is getConnection()?

What is the return type for getConnection() method?

What is the return type for executeQuery() method?

What is the return type for executeUpdate() method and what does the return type indicate?

What is the return type for execute() method and what does the return type indicate?

Is Resultset a Class or an interface?

What is the advantage of PrepareStatement over Statement?

What is the use of CallableStatement?

Name the method, which is used to prepare CallableStatement?

What do mean by Connection pooling?

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